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Dirty Voyage

Schaufenster Berlin
Opening reception: May 04th 2018, 6-10 pm
Duration of the exhibition: May 05th - 21st 2018

A group show, focussing on abstract painting, with Jenny Brosinski, Theresa Volpp, Stephen Smith, David von Bahr, Clement Mancini, Johannes Mundinger, Nartur Kunstgruppe, JAW and Christian August

Curator & Contact: Christian August,

Klasse Katharina Grosse stellt aus

Kunstverein Lippe
Opening reception: Nov 05th 2017, 11.30 am
Introduction by Katharina Grosse
Duration of the exhibition: Nov 5th - Dez 10th


Die Lippische Gesellschaft für Kunst eV setzt mit dieser Ausstellung ihre im Jahr 2012 begonnene Reihe „Meister und Schüler“ fort. Katharina Grosse, geb. 1961 in Freiburg i. Br., lebt und arbeitet in Berlin. Sie studierte an den Kunstakademien Münster und Düsseldorf. Seit 2010 ist sie Professorin für Malerei an der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. In ihrer künstlerischen Arbeit entwickelt Katharina Grosse Erscheinungsformen des gemalten Bildes im zeitgenössischen Kontext. Ihr Werk zeichnet sich durch großformatige, raumgreifende Malereien aus, in denen sich Farbe oftmals über materialbezogene Grenzen hinwegsetzt. Infolge ihrer zahlreichen Ausstellungen in namhaften Institutionen avancierte Katharina Grosse zu einer international renommierten Künstlerin, die mit ihren Arbeiten in öffentlichen und privaten Sammlungen vertreten ist.Gemeinsam mit den Studierenden ihrer Klasse an der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf möchte Katharina Grosse im Prozess des gegenseitigen Austausches ein Ausstellungskonzept für die Räume in der Galerie Eichenmüllerhaus erarbeiten. In dieser Vorgehensweise zeigt sich zugleich auch ein wesentlicher Aspekt ihres Lehrverständnisses.

AKADEMIE [Arbeitstitel]

Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
Opening reception: October 20th 2017
Duration of the exhibition: Oct 21st 2017 - Feb 7th 2018

In the winter of 2017/2018 the Kunsthalle together with KIT will respectively address the theme “Academy” from different angles. In the third show of the anniversary year, the present comes to the fore, but without having lost a view of history and the Kunsthalle’s archive. Inspired by the legendary exhibition series “between” (1969-1973), which emerged from student unrest and protests against the institution —particularly among students of the Kunstakademie— the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf invites professors and students of the Düsseldorf and Münster Kunstakademies as well as the Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln (KHM) to Academy [Working Title] to confront from a critical, contemporary perspective a range of topics that attend the archive and to negotiate the significance of an historical legacy as well as the proximity of institutions and academies in the Rheinland to the production of art.

Alongside an immediate engagement with the Kunsthalle’s archive materials, more extensive and abstract engagement with the idea of the archive may ensue from consideration of the archive as a site of memory at the cross-section of heritage, historical burden, think tank, memory-architecture and much more. The category “archive” and the categories in which the archive is invested and so by which it is brought about such as art history, cultural identities and individual mythologies should be critically questioned. What role does the archive play for the individual artistic creation and the perception of an institution? How does the now-time [Jetzt-Zeit] deal with and evaluate the past? To what extent do not only collective, but also private archives themselves represent forms of artistic practice?

In collaboration with the curatorial team of the Kunsthalle, various medial formats can be worked through based on the different emphases and approaches of the professors and classes. As the notion “Working Title” in the exhibition title indicates, the exhibition has an open-ended, experimental format. Permanent access not only to the perpetually renewed implementations of the exhibition but also to the discursive exchange, work processes and structures will be open to the visitors. It is left up to each individual the extent to which they take part in the exchange, simply observe or deliberately interfere and in so doing enter into the artistic works and “final result” of the exhibition and, by extension, into the history of the institution.

Further items on the program agenda between theater, performance, concerts, workshops and presentations from invited speakers will be held under the label “Performing Archive,” in search of ever new accents of the archive. Information regarding the participants, the program and the shifting uses of the spaces will be made available shortly before the opening of the exhibition.

Group project - class of Katharina Grosse

Kunsthalle Düsseldorf | Grabbelplatz 4 | 40213 Düsseldorf